Friday, January 31, 2020

Title Research: Website Research the second wave

   After getting a feel with this whole title sequence situation my group members and I figured we should still do more research to really make us knowledgeable in this field. We wanted to do this in order to come to terms with the best way to make the most efficient title sequence we could make. So we did more research and found another great website. The second website that we found was called Watch the Titles. This website was made in 2006 and has continued to be a great source for people interested in title sequences. This website showcases popular title sequences for feature films, tv shows, video games, event titles, student projects, and french Fridays. This website is dedicated to the art and designers of title sequences and it also focuses on the creative process of making title sequences. We chose to look more into this website because it also included student projects, which we felt was something we should definitely look into. This was a great thing to expand research on. We went through all of the student projects, being that there were only a few, and analyzed them in order to help us with our project. Although the first website was very helpful we felt like this website was better for a few reasons. One it was slightly more organized. Also, it includes all the same amenities and more.  For example not only does it include the title sequences, designers, studios, and a search engine it also includes an easy link to all of the social media. Now after researching this website my group members and I feel like we are ready to start this project. 

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