Monday, October 28, 2019

Editing the commercial

Upon arriving to class i didn't know that today was the last day for filming. Since today was the last day and my group and i were unprepared we had to film 50% of our commercial. I went to get the equipment sign out paper and filled it out. I turned the paper and went to tell my partner to get the tripod. Since we have our own camera we didnt need to sign one out. Once my partner got the tripod we went out to film. At the start of today's filming we discussed what scene we would do cause we didn't have the expected time. We decided to do our Nike casual scene. In this scene we would have one of our partners filming sitting down in a Nike jacket and also other Nike attire. In the scenes the actor would be on their phone or having a conversation with someone else in a casual fashion.
After redoing the scene a couple of times we reviewed and analyzed them. The short scenes came out pretty good if you ask me. After doing some more scenes we decided  that we had a few good ones and trashed the others. In this scene i got to be the director and it was a fun experience. Before filming one of my partners taught me how to actually use the camera. In the scene i had to zoom in and out throughout it and used a medium close up shot. To make the scene as perfect as i believed it could be i fixed and gave suggestions to the actor. After filming this scene we moved on to the next scene in our storyboard. In the next scene i would be the actor. To help accomplish the scene drawn in the storyboard we had help from another group member.
The next scene was our Nike fashion scene. In this scene two actors would be in a walkway of sorts and would greet each other with a handshake. The scene would show off our Nike AF1's which are a crispy all white shoe. To do this scene we filmed in a open area with a spaceish walkway. We filmed this scene about 6 times and moved on with our film. Since our group already started editing before this day we didn't edit today. The class aslo couldn't edit due to a computer problem. My group does our editing on one of my parthers computer. Before this class period we muted some scenes and cut some as well. Not editing today  actually was a good thing because we got more filming done.

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