We didnt
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Monday, December 2, 2019
Final filming blog
Today me and my partners were supposed to film. Since i had to work today i couldn't film with them. I tried to get the day off but i forgot i had to let them know two weeks in advance. Since i couldn't get the day off my partner's just filmed the scenes were I'm not needed. After getting off today at 9 PM i texted one of my group members to check on things. She replied stating that the filming was goimg good and smoothly. This was great news to hear knowing this made me excited to film. She also mentioned how they were getting more done than they expected. She sent me a couple of videos of what they were doing and they looked amazing. The final music video will really be a great one. Since now they have started filming the other scenes we had to find a time where i could shoot mines. My partner's suggested that we filmed tomorrow. I told them that i had to work for the rest of the week. I work from 4 PM to 9 PM so i wouldn't have time. Then she suggested we film this weekend but i have to attend a wedding so that wouldn't work either. So i thought about it and made a decision. I'll just get someone to cover my shift on Friday so i could film. I explained this idea to my group and they agreed. Since i would be able to make it on friday now i would be able to film my scenes. With that being said we picked a time and a place where we would meet up to film. There are 3 scenes that remains so the filming process for Friday won't be that long. I intend to do my best and i hope everything goes smoothly.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Planning the music video
The next project that i was assigned to do was a music video. Me and my group were supposed to film on sunday but didn't. We ran into some problems so we couldn't film. If things had gone to plan we would have shot two or three scenes. The scenes would have be the opening scene for the video and the two that followed. I couldn't make the filming because sadly my work shift got change. We will most like try to film either on Wednesday or next weeknd. If we get to film we should at least get most of it out of the way.
The song “Nice For What” fits into the genre of pop/rap. So for the aspects of everything that goes into the scenes of the music video we will follow what is generally used in pop/rap music videos. General things that apply to this genre’s music video are uplifting concepts and an all around fun time. The “costumes” in pop/rap music videos vary from casual clothing to dressy clothing. Artist often dress to match the aesthetic/artistry of their specific song so their is not one single costume used. The lighting used in these videos may also very to fit the purpose of the song.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Intro to new project
Moving foward from doing my last project i now will be working on a music video. The commercial project was a good experience. There were some issues with the project unfortunately. The editing process was one of many issues the project ran into. Another issue it ran into was the filming time. Although we ran into these problems we still got our work done and on time. Now my partner's and i are in the beginning stages of making our music video.
The song we have selected is Drake's very own Nice for what. We have selected this song because of the background the song has. The song supports women empowerment and the social statue of women in today's society. Overall in the song Drake raps about the hustles women have to go through to not only make ends meet but also make names for themselves in today's society. With over 1.4 Billion view on youtube there no doubt this is one of drizzys best songs.
The song “Nice For What” fits into the genre of pop/rap. So for the aspects of everything that goes into the scenes of the music video we will follow what is generally used in pop/rap music videos. General things that apply to this genre’s music video are uplifting concepts and an all around fun time. The “costumes” in pop/rap music videos vary from casual clothing to dressy clothing. Artist often dress to match the aesthetic/artistry of their specific song so their is not one single costume used. The lighting used in these videos may also very to fit the purpose of the song.
For example if the song is about a day on the beach the lighting will most likely be bright and natural, but if its about a fun night party it might be strobe and dim lighting. The acting also pertains to the purpose of the song. Whatever message the artist is trying to get across will be portrayed through the acting. The make-up for these videos are generally just a nice face of make up. Meaning one may be having a full face of makeup for the purpose of enhancing their features. The props used in this genre are also specific to the purpose of the song. The video will have props that will efficiently get the them across. For the setting it also depends on the song and the message of it.
The conventions of this music video are those of a pop or rap video. The lighting that would be in the video are very bright colors that stand out. The setting of pop video can vary some may include
places like California, LA, New York, London or Paris. These places are well know for the city lights and atmosphere. or party scenes. Some camera angle and shots can be a Eye level angle, High angle shot, Low angle shot, close up shots, Medium shots, and Wide shots. The Editing that is done for a music video can be addind tints and filters to boost coluors. Another edit is to photoshop the artist so they look as close to perfect as possible.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Final Editing Blog
Today my group members and I got a lot done. We filmed and edited today. We finished all filming today and continued the editing the process. We plan finishing the commercial this weekend. All we have left is some editing we have to do. Since it is on my laptop my group members and I came up with a plan for editing outside of school in class today. We made a group-chat and have/will discussed what editing needs to be done. I will do it at home on my laptop and send it to them to make sure they like it. We plan to have this done by Sunday. So these next few days will be full of editing and perfecting.
Today we quickly filmed our last two scenes we needed to get done. We filmed the third and the fifth scene. The third scene starts off with a close up of NIKE flysteppers and then zooms out to show action going along with the shoes specific purpose. It includes a close up, long shot, and zoom. The fifth scene just shows every person with a NIKE pair of shoes on all walking up to the same place. Today we had some issues occur. One our classmate with the Air Forces was not wearing them and we needed the for the scene. This issue was soon resolved though, when we found somebody who was wearing the same shoes we needed for the scene. Also we had a sub today and were not able to use a tri-pod. So we had to work really hard as a team to keep the camera steady.
Once we finished filming we headed back to class and got to editing. We started off by dumping the footage we had just filmed on to the laptop. Once we dumped the footage onto the laptop we moved it to iMovie and dragged the footage into "my media". We then had all the raw footage there. We went through and selected the best footage and placed it into the section to be edited. Then we muted all of the footage because we will be doing voice overs for each scene. After that we cut down the footage to the length we wanted it to be. Now that we had all the clips in there we measured it out so would add up to 30 second. We then started to test out transitions, but stuck with the original transition with no added effect. We then took the rest of the class to decide what we want done so that I know what to edit at home.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Editing the commercial
Upon arriving to class i didn't know that today was the last day for filming. Since today was the last day and my group and i were unprepared we had to film 50% of our commercial. I went to get the equipment sign out paper and filled it out. I turned the paper and went to tell my partner to get the tripod. Since we have our own camera we didnt need to sign one out. Once my partner got the tripod we went out to film. At the start of today's filming we discussed what scene we would do cause we didn't have the expected time. We decided to do our Nike casual scene. In this scene we would have one of our partners filming sitting down in a Nike jacket and also other Nike attire. In the scenes the actor would be on their phone or having a conversation with someone else in a casual fashion.
After redoing the scene a couple of times we reviewed and analyzed them. The short scenes came out pretty good if you ask me. After doing some more scenes we decided that we had a few good ones and trashed the others. In this scene i got to be the director and it was a fun experience. Before filming one of my partners taught me how to actually use the camera. In the scene i had to zoom in and out throughout it and used a medium close up shot. To make the scene as perfect as i believed it could be i fixed and gave suggestions to the actor. After filming this scene we moved on to the next scene in our storyboard. In the next scene i would be the actor. To help accomplish the scene drawn in the storyboard we had help from another group member.
The next scene was our Nike fashion scene. In this scene two actors would be in a walkway of sorts and would greet each other with a handshake. The scene would show off our Nike AF1's which are a crispy all white shoe. To do this scene we filmed in a open area with a spaceish walkway. We filmed this scene about 6 times and moved on with our film. Since our group already started editing before this day we didn't edit today. The class aslo couldn't edit due to a computer problem. My group does our editing on one of my parthers computer. Before this class period we muted some scenes and cut some as well. Not editing today actually was a good thing because we got more filming done.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Filming the commercial
To start off with the process of filming i decided to play the runner of our Nike commercial. To fit the role i came to school in my Nike track suit and some Nike running shoes. To add more efrect to the commercial i also brought a Nike duffle bag to he in the film. Once arriveing in class i was chosen to get the equipment. Since me and my partner's already had a camera of our own there was need need to sign one out. But however we did need a tripod so i signed one out. After signing it out i turned in our signed agreement forms. After i opened the box which the tripod came in and made sure it was compatible with our camera. We were in luck because the camera fitted well and worked perfectly with the tripod. After this we took our equipment and went outside to start filming.
Since this was Nike commercial i suggested that i should do a short running scene. In the scene my shoes which were Nike was the main focus of the camera. Along with the shoes my Nike duffle bag was a perect prop for the scene. Once arriving on the school's track we started getting set up for our filming. Since i was the actor i didn't need to do any camera work. It can be said that i looked very good if i do say so myself. Once the camera and the tripod were set up and ready we began filming. At first we wanted to find the best angle to shoot from, so I had to stand in different directions on the track to see which looked better. When we had the best looking direction we tetsed out the camera and did some practice shots and videos. This part was fun because I felt as if i were a foot model.
After the testing we did the real thing about 12 times straight. The videos looked very good when i reviewed them. After reviewing the videos my partner suggested that we film from another angle. So after breaking down the tripod and moving shop a little further down the track we started to film again. In this angle we filmed about seven times. After reviewing these videos i took a short five minute break cause boy i was tired of running. These vidoes were better than those before my partner suggested. Me and my partner took another five minutes to look over and compare the two different angled video's to see which were better. Once we agreed that there were some good ones in both sets we packed up and headed back to class. Once arriving back in class we reviewed the vidoes once again and called it a day since we had own camera and labtop all was lefr was to return the tripod.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
•Scene 2: starts off with a close up of NIKE slides and then zooms out to show action going along with the shoes specific purpose. (close up, wide shot, zoom)
•Scene 3: starts off with a close up of NIKE flysteppers and then zooms out to show action going along with the shoes specific purpose. (close up, long shot, zoom)
•Scene 4: starts off with a close up of NIKE Air force 1s and then zooms out to show action going alone with the shoes specific purpose. (close up, track, zoom)
•Scene 5: this scene just shows every person with a NIKE pair of shoes on all walking up to the same place.
•Scene 6: This will be a screen with words.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Editing Lesson Blog
To begin your editing process first login to your computer. After logging into your computer you must look for the Pinnacle Studios icon. The (PS) icon is were you editing your film or footage you must make sure you use the same computer when editing. Insert your SD card into your SD card reader and put the reader into the computer. To Find your film or footage look inside of the (DCIM) tab. If you can't find your film or footage in the (DCIM) click on the Private option and click on (AVCHD) then select stream; this is were all you film and data is stored at. Once you've done these steps you highlight your work and drag it into your desktop folder. These process is could Dumping; moveing your footage from you camera to your computer.
You when first log into your Pinnacle Studios you will get popups. To make sure you don't get them again just click the dont show me again option. To Import your film from the computer is easy as going to the bathroom. First you must click on the plus sign icon in (PS) and go to you folder and your media will be there. You must remember that every time you film you must import all of your film. Secondly go to the Edit icon which has your raw footage; all your untouched film. In Edit you'll see three tracks are lisred at the bottom of the screen. Titles are put onto Track one, on Track two you can find your footage, and on Track three is your media's sound is found. All of these steps or apart of the Importing process.
When editing you must load your footage. When you see a orange-yellow bar on your tracks that means your footage is loading. Do not mess with the footage when loading you could crash the computer. The Razor icon is used to cut a clip of your film. To cut the clip all you do is highlight the clip and select delete. When your completely done with you project you must export it. You export your media to Studio exporter and make sure you select the MP4 option. Also make sure that you film is in full size best quality.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Convection/codes blog
NIike commercial:
In a nike commercial there are certain codes and conventions. When you think of Nike commercial, what comes to mind? Sports, apparel, athletes, and some sort of hydration. Each of these factors are usually used in making a Nike commercial, and that's what makes them codes and conventions. Nike commercials all have one thing in common; which is to sell what is being advertised. Nike among brands like Jordan and Puma has to make commercials to help sell their products.
Athletes: Nike mostly uses basketball and Football players in their commercials. Using these athletes appeals to the general audience thats watching. In most commercials you will see the athlete is perform drills or other forms of practice. The athletes that are in the commercials usually have a contract with nike and have a brand under the Nike company. For example Lebron James has clothing and footwear under nike and has a contract for these items under Nike. Since the athletes are in those commercials they receive a profit from them the amount depends on the contract they signed. Being so alot of athletes tries to be sponsored by a company like Nike.
Apparel: The apparel in Nike commercials are usually foot wear or some sort of clothes either sports wear or just casual Nike attire. The various types of apparel that are advertised depend on the sport or department that is trying to be advertised. Sport wear commercials have a sporty setting like a football field or a basketball court. The main focus usually is on the feet of the actor or on the clothing of the actor. The camera angle starts at the bottom of the actor or athlete and rises but stays very close up. Mostly the camera will follow or track the actors movement and actions usually simple moves Ex. Shooting a basketball or running down a track.
I participate in the marching band at my school and i have been doing band since the sixth grade. Among other things i aslo enjoy running track and playing baseball. My goals for this year are to rasie my GPA and maintain straight A's for all 4 quarters of the school year. I plan on going to college to receive my masters in Electrical engineering; the college i plan on going to is UCF.
I have three bothers and 4 sisters from my mom and dad. Some things that i dislike are people who bully and antagonize others and failing classes. I myself am a very productive person and tries my best to achieve what i want. I plan to make a career in Electrical engineering and own a house and a sports car but the age of 28 then get married and have at most two children.